Monday, April 19, 2010

Playground for Adults

A Playground for adults? It's not what you think! The park at the end of my street has created this.

It is an outdoor fitness center for adults. I think it is part of a Participaction Program. There are even free circuit training classes.

The equipment is very large and durable and offers to tone up and strengthen all body parts.

This is ideal for anyone who does not like working out at a gym and the price is certainly right.


  1. What a good idea! and therapeutic too. I've never seen anything like it before. It's very colourful and will be a great place for adults to meet and work out and have fun. Why should all the kids have all the fun?
    Blessings, Star

  2. The photo makes this park look very pretty with its primary color scheme. I have not seen an adult exercise park like this one; can people of all ages use it? Children too?

  3. People of all ages do use it but there is a disclaimer that it is not for children under twelve years. It is mainly older people and young mothers in the morning and teenagers after school in the afternoon but it is usually a real mix of people. It is easily as popular as the playground for children on the other side of the field. It is fun and can be very social.
