Saturday, June 12, 2010

Letters to Juliet

While this is a Harlequin Romance type movie that is entirely predictable, the beautiful Italian settings makes this a perfectly acceptable way to spend a summer evening.  Vanessa Redgrave portrays a grandmother going back to find the love of her life after fifty years.

This is really a made-for-TV movie.  Except for Redgrave, the acting is not particularly strong.  The plot a little contrived.   Everyone is a little too beautiful.

It does make you want to visit Italy though.


  1. Yes, as empty and predictable as they come! Even the Italy they portray is over the top gorgeous. Italy is a fantastic place; but, it has its own hoods and people struggling. Thanks for your visit, Marlene.

  2. The Boyfriend has gone hiking this weekend (Marble Mount in Washington State -- so he can bring back duty free, god love him), so I was looking for a mindless chick flick to rent. This might just do it. Thanks for visiting my blog. I've posted a little thank you (just for you). Have a great weekend -- not looking too sunny here in Vancouver though.

  3. I think I will wait until it comes on video on demand. I had a feeling it would be just the way you described.

    BTW, when are we going to get some summer????



