Tuesday, January 27, 2009

It's snowing again in Vancouver!!!!   This is the longest winter I have experienced here.  It turned cold and snowed in early December and it has felt like winter most days since.  I took a flex day to see my dental surgeon and go for a job interview today.  I have just cancelled the doctor and may have to do same with job interview as I have no snow tires.  Most years we have snow drops and crocus in bloom by now!  

Since seeing Benjamin Button (which was a lot like Forest Gump in some ways), I have been thinking a lot about how often random circumstances change our lives.  In particular how Fran, she was our new found sister who came into our lives in the late 80's, changed my life, and probably the lives of my siblings as well.   Her mantra at the time was 'The truth will set you free'.   She was on a mission to find the truth.  She felt that by not being told about her birth circumstances she had been betrayed.  She had a deep desire to understand how and why she was given up in such a manner at birth.   By that time of course, anyone who had known our mother well, when she was 20 years old, was long gone.   

Would the truth, could she have found it, given her solace and set her free?  Did the little bit she was able to glean from the few people who were still around make her feel better or worse? Would it have been better to 'not open that can of worms' and 'let sleeping dogs lie'.  Unfortunately I will never know.  Fran, who was in remission with breast cancer, had a re-occurrence and succumbed to the disease a few years later.  Maybe the stress of these new circumstances in her life played a part in the disease returning.  We will never know. 

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