Saturday, May 21, 2011

Day 20 - on the Farm

 Berta's front garden
 Flowering crab apple tree

After visiting St. Joseph's Oratory and Mount Royal, we drove up from Montreal to Huntingdon to spend the night with the Mullers on their farm.  Karen, our GPS, who has become the third member of our group, proved very helpful in getting us right to the driveway of the farm.  We thank Karen profusely when she is right, tell her to shut up when she is repetitive, and curse her when she objects to our many stops along the way. 

The farm is lush and green but the wet weather has caused some flooding and has made it impossible to get the seeding done in the fields.   Even the cows had to be put back in the barn because it was too wet for them. Berta's garden is growing well though and I was surprised to see how advanced it was in spite the wet.  It is nice to be in the country and breath fresh air and watch the many birds.  Julie managed to take some video of birds nesting just outside the house. 

After a night of good company, good food and a comfortable bed, we watched the cows being released from the barn and set out for Quebec City.

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