Sunday, March 28, 2010

Tea with Mitts

I have been trying to find out if Ami McKay created the expression "Tea with Mitts" or if it is an old Nova Scotian expression. I love the idea of this expression and all of its ramifications.

Above is an interview with Ami. She actually lives in the Birth House in Scots Bay now and has continued the tradition by having her own home birth there.

Ami doesn't talk about it in the interview but I wonder if she thinks that houses can tell their own story. Have you ever lain awake at night and thought about the people who might have lived in the house before you. I have often made up stories about them in order to fall asleep. And, then in the morning, wondered where those ideas may have originated.


  1. what is tea with mitts?

  2. It’s tea with added liquors like grand mariner or amaretto.
