Sunday, March 21, 2010

Parallel Olympics

I wonder if London will decide to have the Paralympic Games before the main event as we maybe should have done. Just think of the benefits if these games had been scheduled for January 12 instead of March 12.

Vanoc would have had a practice run to work out some of the bugs before the big event and more importantly some world class athletes may have received the attention they deserve. If they had won their medals before the big event, they could have been acknowledged while all of the world's media was still in Vancouver. And, the winter games wouldn't be ending on the first day of Spring. (Yes, I think the timing of the Stanley Cup is absurd as well.)

Lauren Woolstencroft for instance should be a household name, especially in British Columbia. She made history in 2002 by becoming the first disabled performer to be named Victoria female athlete of the year as she joined a list that includes past winners such as Olympic-medallist rower Silken Laumann, Ironman Hawaii champion Lori Bowden and Olympic runner Debbie Bowker. Now, she has won five gold medals at the Paralympic Games!

At least some one at BC Hydro had the foresight to install a beautifully large photo of her in the foyer of the downtown building a few months ago.

1 comment:

  1. Great post! Glad to see you're back. There was some thought, as well, of having the Olympics and the Paralympics all at the same time, amalgamated. I think it could, and should, be done. The Paralympics seem to be almost an after thought, and they shouldn't be.
